I/O Terminal Tool Interface

Supports communication over CAN bus, K-line and L-line.
Ready to use, complete with OBD2 and USB cables.
Please note this is only a communication interface and does not include any software modules by default, please select from the options the plugins you desire.
Brand | IO Terminal |
The I/O Terminal tool can offer functions that normally would normally require the ECU to be opened and a BDM programmer connected, however it can accomplish these procedures without opening the ECU and in some cases all from OBD!
It also supports some very tricky controllers which are not covered by other tools.
Using this tool you gain full control of the ECU’s memories.
You can read/write eeprom and internal/external flash memories (where available)
It also allows reading of pin codes and can return the ECU to a virgin state, so it can be adapted to another car!
Read/modify service history data which contains date, mileage and diagnostic device ID.
All operations are done over K-line or CAN bus without need to open ECU!
It currently supports Bosch Easytronic, Denso, Marelli, and Siemens ECU’s, for more info check corresponding plugins
Brand | IO Terminal |