BitBox BMW Fxx/Gxx Bosch MG1/MD1 ENET Module

Module for reflashing through OBD2 connector by Ethernet for Bosch MG1 and MD1 ECUs used in BMW Fxx and Gxx vehicles.
Supports Bosch ECUs based on MCU NXP MPC5777 with 7.5Mb of main flash memory.
Brand | Bitsoftware |
Supports Bosch ECUs based on MCU NXP MPC5777 with 7.5Mb of main flash memory and Infineon Aurix TC298 with 8Mb memory.
BMW Fxx/Gxx Bosch MG1 MPC5777 ENET (FID: 160)
BMW Fxx/Gxx Bosch MD1 MPC5777 ENET (FID: 161)
BMW Fxx/Gxx Bosch MG1 TC298 ENET (FID: 162) [TEST]
Module allows:
- Software identification
- Virtual reading from the server (disabled while module is in TEST)
- Reading if file not found in the server
- Writing with checksum and CVN correction
- DTC read and clear
WARNING. Due to release of new software updates for BMW Vehicles, following versions of databases: ISTA-P [2019] and ISTA-P [2019] now are not supported for writing with BitBox, especially for module Bosch Fxx/Gxx MG1/MD1 E-NET. If the file was not found on Bitbox server and the vehicle is fresh, do not try to write file to ECU! And, even, if you have already tried, immediately, use RECOVERY option, without switching ignition OFF. Also, you can try to use E-Sys or dealer flash tool ISTA-P for recovery!
The ISTA-P 3.67 version is particularly dangerous, as it can brick the ECU, sometimes without possibility of recovery, even with BENCH-MODE tools.
Bitbox team is working on adding detection of a new security system and disallowing of writing these files
Brand | Bitsoftware |