Tuningtools.com by Sedox Performance AS
Tuningtools.com, for the professional tuner:
Tuningtools.com is your global source for professional tuning, so If you are looking for tuningtools and equipment for tuning cars, you have come to the right place. Tuningtools.com are assisting dealers around the world with help and knowledge as long as tuningfiles and equipment, for tuning cars.
Sedox Performance, for the end customer:
Sedox Performance is one of the largest providers of car tuning and has a worldwide partner network ready to serve you. If you are an end customer that just like to get your car tuned by one of our partners, we recommend you to go to this site: www.sedox-performance.com
Or if you like further information, you can contact us HERE.
Our partners will assist you with some of the safest and best-performing quality tuning in the market.
In addition to our core business, software upgrades of your engine's control unit, many of our partners also offer other tuning parts, styling, wheels, workshop and aftermarket cars for sale.
What is engine tuning? 
The type of engine tuning we do is mainly known as ECU remapping or chip tuning.
At Tuningfiles we call this engine optimization, and this is what we do.
When a car manufacturer is developing a new car, they look at a couple of aspects:
* - the need to compete with the main competitors on both performance and price, and to much engine power will trigger unnecessary taxes in many counties.
* - avoiding the competition with other engines from the same manufacturer
* - but most important of all...
* - when selling 500 000 cars with the same specifications, you want to make sure that you do not get a warranty claim on 50% of them, putting you out of business
To avoid this, the car manufacturer makes sure that they have a large operation margin on all engine components so that even with small defects or variation in production quality, the engine will run a 6 digit amount of kilometres with as little trouble as possible.
More power... More torque... Less fuel consumption!
What the Tuningfiles engineers than are doing, is to utilize the difference between the original effect the engine delivered from the factory, and the potential effect the engine can produce, still with its original hardware components running within their thresholds and limits for safe operation.
Depending on the type of car, this normally allows the tuner to add about 20-40% of power to the car. On naturally aspirated engines, the gains are smaller.
Is this easy like a turn of a button? No, it is not. The software development is a long and time-consuming operation, and there are hundreds of tuners that claim that they are the best.
Many are good, but the only issue is that there are also many that are not good at all. Even if the car feels all right to drive, it does not mean that the engine feels the same way.
A car properly tuned by a company whose employers know what they are doing will have the same lifetime, same services intervals, better fuel economy and will be better to drive. This engine has as we said in the top of the article, been "optimized" to perform its best within its given limitations.
Through our partners, you can be sure that your car is getting
the best possible engine optimization there is!